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Showing posts from August, 2014

Walk For Our Children 2014

17 Aug (Sunday) Walk For Our Children 2014 by Children's SOCIETY. An exciting carnival held at west coast park, grand lawn. Despite the hot and humid weather, the response was overwhelming. As it was a charity event, we did the unexpected and sent 2 balloon artist instead of 1. We did as many balloon sculptures as we could to raise funds. At the end of the day, our bodies were tired but our hearts were full! <Event gigs by partner Chloe>

Caricature Drawing

On site 'live' caricature services. Caricature art or Cartoonist drawing is the latest trend for company function, private event, party etc. 

Hand / Face paintings

We use face paints which are safe, non-toxic and it can be easily washed off. You can opt for our artist to paint on your hand too.

August - Happy Events

31 Aug (Sun) August babies get together session @ Nanyang Poly Staff Centre. Thank you mummy Anne for arranging our balloon artist.  30 Aug (Sat) Mummy Jay engage us for balloon twisting for her baby girl celebration at "Taste of India" Resturant. After the event, we are pleased to received compliment for our services. Thank you for having us at your party. 24 Aug (Sun) Free flow of freshly made popcorns to the resident at Yishun st. 22 courtyard. Young children had fun doing Sand Art activities. <gigs by Eliada> 24 Aug (Sun) Block party event at Tampines East Zone. The organizer has arrange our balloon artist to entertain the young children for their Get to know your neighbour session. <gigs by Christina k>  23 Aug (Sat) Party Twist team had the pleasure to provide our children's package for Magic, Face painting & Balloon Twsiting. This is a sponsor event to Singapore children society by Don-Thaker.  23 Aug (Sat) Madisoh 4 year old Birthday celebration in